- PCT Requirements for Filing Patents & Translations in Ukraine
- Language Ukranian
- Filing Deadline 31 months
- Filing Extension
If the due date for the National Entry was missed unintentionally, the applicant�s rights can be reinstated within a year from the missed due date subject to payment of the restoration fee and presenting reasons for omission.
- Translation Extension
2 months
- Power of Attorney
Original Required? Yes
Notarized? No
Legalized? NoYes, should be submitted 2 months from the issue date of a separate notification from the Ukraine Patent Office
- General POA Accepted Yes
- Assignments
Only needed if the applicant in the PCT application differs from the applicant in the priority application (if priority is claimed)
- Excess Claims Fee Due at Filing Yes
- Amended Claims Submitted at Filing Yes, however the original claims need to be filed as well
- Fee for Amending Claims at Filing No
- Request for Examination Deadline
Due within 3 years from international filing date
- Request for Examination at Filing Yes
- Patent Prosecution Highway
- Direct Requirements for Filing Patents & Translations in Ukraine
- Language Ukrainian
- Filing Deadline 12 months
- Filing Extension
- Translation Extension
2 months
- Power of Attorney
Yes, should be submitted 2 months from the issue date of a separate notification from the Ukraine Patent Office
- General POA Accepted Yes
- Assignments
- Excess Claims Fee Due at Filing Yes
- Amended Claims Submitted at Filing Yes
- Fee for Amending Claims at Filing No
- Request for Examination Deadline
Due within 3 years from filing date
- Request for Examination at Filing Yes
- Patent Prosecution Highway